What is AcmeNews AcmeSubmit?
You name It
AcmeSubmit is Visual Basic 6.0sp3 program for Windows 95 and up, or NT 4.0 and up PC's. It allows you to submit your entire website to the major search engines with a few keystrokes. Automation, afterall, is the reason we use computers. This program submits ALL of your pages. If your site is like mine, a robot or spider cannot traverse the entire site due to the fact that most of my pages are not linked to other pages. Therefor the spider will not find alot of my pages.

  • Windows 95 or better, or NT 4.0 or better.
  • IE 4.0 or better (we use the IE control for a front end, we use sockets for submitting your site.)
  • A connection to the internet, direct or via cern http proxy.
  • 32 Mb or memory or better
  • Your site must be saved to disk in the directory structure that is identical to the online version.

    AcmeNews does not condone violation of the terms of service (TOS) for the various search engines. Violating the TOS of the search engines is a violation of the TOS for using this program. There is coding in AcmeSubmit to limit your ability to SPAM the index of search engines. Please read up on the TOS on the following search engines. If you do not agree to the TOS, then you cannot select these engines from the list in the program.

    AltaVista, DirectHit, Excite, HotBot (Inktomi), InfoSeek (GO), Lycos, Webcrawler.

    There is a SETTINGS.INI file that contains the formats used to submit your site. This file will expand and contain more search engines.

    Download the current version, 1.0

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